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A speedboat nike free run dames dodged,nike free 5.0, tenacious drove forward. From the river bank is getting closer, more intensive gunfire, tracer bullets hit to keep the boats, rifles and light machine guns opened fire almost simultaneously. Boats slowed, began to turn the boat, a large Soviets have jumped into the water, quickly wade through shallow water, landing into battle. Jī very intense battle, bayonet scenes can be seen from time to time, with the landing force more and more, the Far East army was driven out along the coast, the Soviets occupied the last two kilometers of the landing field.Far East Army Air Force kept throwing bombs to Kirov city, the street seems to want everything fried to go underground. July 29, the battle is heating up, the Soviet Far East Army continued to attack, an attempt to occupy the center of the city of Kirov. Soviet troops took flanking positive action, be positive and flanking counter assault. After a day of jī war, although the Soviets were to hold all positions, but its power been clamped in the city center. Since then, the center is still fierce fighting, the Far East military offensive was repulsed again and again, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Desperate Soviet Far East Army and fight conducted in the city of Kirov,nike free trainer 5.0, under command of Zhukov 's clever advantage of the Far East Army unable to play, only to consume troops storming the city. Zhukov around the entire city of Kirov, made a genius arrangement, according to deed census River, and the Far East Army deal, dealt with gently, gradually consumed the Far East military spirit. Meanwhile, Zhukov assembled troops in the rear, as long as the military offensive in the Far East appeared tired, immediately put counterattack, war balance, tilted to the Soviet unknowingly !

After this desperate struggle,nike free run, has withstood the severe test of Soviet commanders and soldiers, fighting will increase exponentially, and because a large number of research and development of new weapons, the former Soviet-German war, the overall strength is much higher than historically. Finally, during the twice monthly, so the books are well fierce red emperor weep for support ! The outcome of the war in the Central Asian rapid tilt toward An Jiajun occasion, the Japanese have not been idle, August, the Japanese soldiers out of the Yenisei River, grab the eastward movement of emergency to quell the rebel army arrived in the Far East before, into the Yenisei River, west of the East Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, the two sides battle for a day, continuous fighting the Japanese Army, Far East has the advantage of being exhausted troops defeated the Japanese army seized the opportunity to move forward, occupying Aqinsike, Berg Thor, MA Sakhalin and Tomsk, officially tentacles reached into western Siberia.


