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Silently,toms outlet, Lewis slipped into the yard one house, only a touch near the couch alone rest. Listen to the sound a long breath, this should be a woman. The room lamp, in fact, did not completely extinguish, but the wick transferred to a minimum, but also making a faint light, it is estimated that this room hostess accustomed to sleeping in the dark, but in order to save a little kerosene will be so. Lewis by this faint light, saw the woman sleeping peacefully on the couch, uh,http://www.ocsalumni.com/images/donate.aspx, no, it should be a little girl, pink toot face, carved jade pink plastic, very cute, vaguely already have one handsome little beauty of color, reckoned that there should be 12 or 13 big way.

See toms on sale Lewis sister...... so cute, can not help but lightly Road. This little girl seems to be also a very quick-witted man child, even if it is between half awake, I heard the voice of Lewis, it seems a bit strange to alert toms sale suddenly awakened, HUO Di sat up. When toms sale see the edge of the couch when a tall shadow, toms sale suddenly stared, mouth child was the boss, it is necessary uttered a terrified scream. But Lewis and how it will make toms sale screaming ?

Also put her mouth child Wushang, just so she gave out a faint sound huh. Of course, her hands and feet are struggling random, but not open Lewis earned a tight embrace. Lewis made ​​a boo...... silence action. Road : sister, Knock, toms sale will not hurt you, just want to ask you something. Mmm...... this little girl, huh emit sounds, Lewis seems to understand the speaker 's like, panic nodded. toms sale Can not let go of you called, otherwise, hum, toms sale will kill you.The little girl 's body trembling a bit, it seems a little scared Lewis ferocious rhetoric, the body did not dare to tamper with a good long while before shaking his head but then sucker nod. This little girl wearing only a thin silk pajamas, ah. Even if it is a large house, a woman can not wear ordinary silk, Lewis estimates toms sale Cao should have more status womenfolk. This little girl 's body. Lewis probably just been trolling out from the blanket relations, a small body still warm whistling, by the faint light oil lamps, Lewis actually saw toms sale small chest has a small group to uplift seems toms sale it is also in development during which considerable potential as a small bulge in the small group that actually have half a fist so high.

