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Hua Xu Fu became a tribal leader, put his tribe tribal renamed Fuxi, nike air max 1 see people along the coast with tree branches, stones hit the fish, the hit rate is very low, so begins moths captured by spider webs inspiration, try the forest vines woven into fishing nets, and save time, effort, harvest and abundance. Eat fish, nike air max 90 they teach people to hoard bark woven creel raise up; second is to teach people to hunt. nike air max 90 See here people hunt and weapons behind, then with stones, sticks, bamboo made into a sharp weapon.

Press nike air max 90 teaching approaches and inventive weapons hunt, learned a lot. Eat, and nike air max 90 they teach those people suffered minor injuries in small mammals fed up, thus opening a human pig, horse, cattle, sheep, rabbits, dogs prologue. nike air max 90 See the human family free marriage, children only know how long I do not know his father, his mother's condition, so they make the tribe since women marry men and forlorn, and build houses, each family as a unit of residence. More to themselves as role models only marry a wife. At that time people still only leaves and animal skins wrapped in the body, is very simple, every winter there are many elderly and children froze to death, Fuxi too harsh, they use animal bones as needles, tendons of animals used for the line will be Those clothes made from the skin of prey, greatly increased the ability to keep out the cold, so a lot of people from freezing to death.


