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Fox family woman Enchanting brother, take cash, selling to those aristocratic businessmen, will be able to sell at a good price. In fact, there will be captive among the nobility show country woman Fox family atmosphere, or dictating into slavery to significant identity. Or simply buy fun, addressing the needs of that area. Construction of such an underground territory, it must be very large project ? Go a long way, yet not to the end, Fu Bao mind again surprised. May Chan Fox has laughed: ray ban australia Fox family how can such ability to build such a magnificent underground base, Cheap ray bans Sunglasses but was picked up a cheap, came to live it.

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Closed the doors of the house, the number of root Sentimental pillars on each side, but no knife has armored guards, surprised to find a few different fox fur are eagerly looking at the side. Standing in the middle of the doors of the house where a fox is clearly an age old fox, fur is not necessarily bright, actually there is a head of white fox fur. And Cheap ray bans Sunglasses body hair is yellow. First glance, like a head of gray hair elderly. See Fu Bao Chan May and fox appeared, bird fox immediately meet up with guests Blessings ah, Come Come.

